We are kicking off 1st grade in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab with a fun Sprout House experiment. We are not only learning about the life cycle of a plant, we are getting to watch it grow right on our windows in the Lab!
What did we do? We took ziploc bags, cotton balls, water, and Verbena (type of flower) seeds and sealed them up. Next, we hung them in the window because what do plants need to survive? Sunlight and water! We sealed the bags so the water wouldn't evaporate and we could create a Green House effect in our bags.
As our plants continue to grow we learn about the water cycle as we start seeing the condensation on our bags. We also learn how to be responsible observers by checking in on our experiment, writing notes, and drawing pictures to help us learn more!
Keep Exploring,
Ms. Gillis
Check this blog out to learn about what is happening in 1st Grade in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab throughout the year.