How Do Plants Drink Water?
First, we all had a discussion of how we think plants drink water with our tables, then as a class! We have learned about the roots of a plant, and how they live in the soil. We decided that when we pour the water in our pots, the water is soaked up by the soil, then sucked up by the roots to every part of the plant!
Now time to test our theory! First, we got White Carnations (flowers) to use in our experiment. We also got food dye that changed the color of the water to blue, green, red, purple, orange, and yellow! Then, we gave our flowers a fresh cut and put them in water. We can't wait to see if they suck up the color in the water, and where it ends up! We will know where the water travels in the plant by where the color goes!
Some friends think the plants will stay white, some think they will change colors! Some think they will have spots or stripes. We can't wait to see what happens!
Keep Exploring,
Ms. Gillis
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