Do Plants need Sunlight to Grow?
We found out that all a seed needs to sprout roots is water, but to survive, it needs sunlight too! We saw how a sprout kept in the dark will grow tall, trying to find the sunlight, and if it can't, it will not survive. A seed grown with sunlight, however, will thrive and survive! We also found out that is why some trees grow so big and tall, they are trying to get as much sunlight as possible! We also got to see how plants will grow more leaves with the more sunlight there is because the leaves help them collect the sunlight and turn it in to food!
Last, we got to conduct an experiment and make Grass Heads! This experiment allows us to practice how plants grow in the direction of the Sun and will search for the Sun through out the day! Now, we learn patience as we watch them grow!
Keep Exploring,
Ms. Gillis
Check this blog out to learn about what is happening with 2nd Grade in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab throughout the year.