Power School in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab!
February 9, 2018 at 10:32 am
This week we got to work with Mrs. Ebert and Ms. Gillis to use Power School on our IPads in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab! We are getting to watch videos that help us learn how to use "weaker" materials to build strong structures (like paper, aluminum foil, etc), so we are ready when we build our Hurricane Structures! We also get to see different building shapes to help us determine how we are going to build our shelter since it is right around the corner!Most importantly, we got to learn about some of the requirements we have to keep in mind when building our structures. Some of the challenges are to build the tallest tower, and to keep a tennis ball stable on the tower as we produce wind (to mimic a Hurricane!).
We love learning how to be effective and efficient Engineers using the tools around us. We also know that we are going to have to "buy" materials from Ms. Gillis, so we are learning how to use our resources wisely! We will draw a blue print of our design, answer questions about the functionality of our design, then get to building! We can't wait!
Ms. Gillis
Check this blog out to learn about what is happening with 3rd Grade in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab throughout the year.