Fossil Find!
1. Describe your fossil, what do you think it is?
2. How would you CLASSIFY your fossil (is it an ocean fossil or a land fossil)?
3. What kind of fossil(s) did you find? Was it a caste fossil? An Imprint Fossil? How did that happen?
4. Can you draw a picture showing us what you think life was like at the time the organism (living thing) died? Why do you think that? You must be able to explain the reasoning behind your answer.
Our fossils after we uncovered them:

Then, students got to present their fossil to the class, and describe their findings and the information they were able to gather from looking at the clues the fossil gives us! We had so much fun!
Ms. Gillis
Check this blog out to learn about what is happening with 3rd Grade in the S.T.R.E.A.M. Lab throughout the year.